1863™ Portfolio
Core activities center around facilitating transactions between two or more consumer markets. Think Amazon, a local market, Airbnb or Doordash.
Keep me posted
A tech-enabled content marketplace in which brands can find and work with Millennial and Gen Z content creators from around the world.
An intuitive mobile platform that seamlessly integrates into the barbershop experience.
WAM Impact Partners
A rising nonprofit organization that directly supports technology solutions for underprivileged youth.
Lillii RNB Inc
An enterprise solutions brand that helps retailers with their Point of Sale software & Store Returns Management.
Equips new and expectant moms for motherhood through virtual and live events, online courses, and connection to a product marketplace.

Explore brands by type

Artists, Media & Content Creators
Core activities center around producing content directly and engaging consumers on one or more platforms in the form of music, photography, crafts, video & more. (Can be selected in conjunction with 1 or more listed options.) Think Buzzfeed, social media influencers, independent artists, Forbes, bloggers or YouTubers.
Service brands
Core activities center around providing services such as a meal, an experience, healthcare, portfolio management or professional services. Think Deloitte, Starbucks, a physician, JP Morgan or The Four Seasons.
Retail brands
Core activities center around providing finished physical or digital goods to consumers. Think Nike, the Futur, Dollar Shave Club, a Skill Share instructor or Warby Parker.
Software as a Service brands
Core activities center around developing, distributing & maintaining software used by an end consumer. Think Asana, Adobe or Zoom.