1863™ Portfolio
Core activities center around developing, distributing & maintaining software used by an end consumer. Think Asana, Adobe or Zoom.
Keep me posted
An intuitive mobile platform that seamlessly integrates into the barbershop experience.
BatteryXchange Inc.
Rent portable phone battery packs via a network of kiosk machines.
Equips new and expectant moms for motherhood through virtual and live events, online courses, and connection to a product marketplace.
WAM Impact Partners
A rising nonprofit organization that directly supports technology solutions for underprivileged youth.
Royelles Inc
A gaming company focused on igniting GIRLS to realize their greatest potential in Leadership and STEAM.
Ask A Fundraiser
An educational tool, like Rosetta Stone, to teach people fundraising skills.
Lillii RNB Inc
An enterprise solutions brand that helps retailers with their Point of Sale software & Store Returns Management.

Explore brands by type

Artists, Media & Content Creators
Core activities center around producing content directly and engaging consumers on one or more platforms in the form of music, photography, crafts, video & more. (Can be selected in conjunction with 1 or more listed options.) Think Buzzfeed, social media influencers, independent artists, Forbes, bloggers or YouTubers.
Retail brands
Core activities center around providing finished physical or digital goods to consumers. Think Nike, the Futur, Dollar Shave Club, a Skill Share instructor or Warby Parker.
Service brands
Core activities center around providing services such as a meal, an experience, healthcare, portfolio management or professional services. Think Deloitte, Starbucks, a physician, JP Morgan or The Four Seasons.
Marketplace brands
Core activities center around facilitating transactions between two or more consumer markets. Think Amazon, a local market, Airbnb or Doordash.